72 VELUXA Bmin 10 secThe skylight can be adjusted to three different max-imum openings: 12" (300 mm), 8" (200 mm) and4" (100 mm). Default is generally 12" (300 mm) butfor specific skylights the maximum default openingmay be 8" (200 mm).Note: For in-reach applications where the skylightis installed less than 8 ft. (2.5 m) from the floor, thedefault maximum opening must be 4" (100 mm).When changing the maximum opening, the buttonslocated under the skylight operator cover holes (A andB) are operated by carefully inserting a pointed objectthrough the holes in the skylight operator cover.1 To change the opening, reset the skylight as describedin section Resetting and preparing for registration,items 1 and 2.2 Disconnect the main power supply and, if installed,battery backup KLB 100 for at least 60 seconds.Reconnect the power and, within 30 seconds, pressand hold the button closest to the side frame (B) for10 seconds or until the skylight opens. The skylightwill open and stop at the latest set maximum opening.3 Press the button closest to the side frame (B) tochange this opening to the next maximum opening.When the skylight has stopped at the desired maxi-mum opening, press the button closest to the centerof the skylight (A) to accept the new opening setting.The skylight closes.Adjusting the maximum opening