28 VELUXCreating a GroupMenuno. 1WindowLocateP1 P2Enter BackP1 P2Room 1Room 2Room 3House settings group CreateEnter BackP1 P2WindowBlindRoom 1aREaRoom 1To make it easier to locate and operate products of thesame type simultaneously, you can create a Group.The example shows a room with fourskylights, each with a skylight operator.It is shown how to create Group 1 consist-ing of the skylight operators on the twoskylights No. 3 and No. 4 (indicated as"Window" in the remote display). Theexample presupposes that Room 1 hasbeen created.Note: When Room 1 was created, a number of Groups "All"was created automatically - each consisting of all productsof the same type in the Room in question, see sectionRoom, Group and Zone.A Group created across more Rooms is shown in thedisplay as a Zone.1 Press "Menu".2 Scroll through the menus:3 Displays a list of the Rooms created.Press to highlight the Room in which to create Group 1.Press "Enter" to confirm your choice.4 Displays a list of the product types in Room 1.To choose the product type skylight operator, press tohighlight "Window".Press "Enter" to confirm your choice.2134Room 1