4-17Side StandCAUTION:• The side stand must be in the upright positionin order to safely operate the scooter. Failureto move the stand up could result in injury, anddamage the scooter. There is an interlock whichprevents the scooter from being enabled unlessthe side stand is in the up position.• Do not sit on the scooter while the side stand isdown. This could cause the side stand to sinkinto the ground resulting in injury, and damageto the scooter.The side stand is located on the left side of the scooter.Park only on level hard surfaces. Avoid parking on hills orunstable ground.Always check the ground before putting the side standdown to ensure that it is stable. Hot temperatures cancause the stand to sink into the pavement, so it isrecommended to have a small metal plate for the stand torest on in high heat.An indicator on the instrument cluster indicator display willilluminate when the side stand is down.