Valley Classic Control PanelSafety12Operate SafelyValley Irrigation Machines are designed with safety in mind. However, if this machine is operated incorrectly, itmay pose a safety threat to the operator. A good safety program is much like a chain, it is only as strong as itsweakest link. The manufacturer, dealer, and operator must maintain and improve all safety programs. Followingis a list of safety operating tips which you and all other persons servicing or operating the machine must readand understand.! CAUTION• DO NOT OPERATE THIS MACHINE WITHOUTFIRST READING THE OWNER’S MANUALS FORTHE MACHINE.• READ ALL SAFETY MESSAGES IN THIS MANU-AL AND SAFETY SIGNS ON THE MACHINE.• DO NOT LET ANYONE OPERATE THIS MACHINEWITHOUT PROPER INSTRUCTIONS.• UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS MAY IMPAIRTHE FUNCTION AND/OR SAFETY OF THE MA-CHINE.• IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND ANY PART OFTHIS MANUAL, CONTACT YOUR VALLEY DEAL-ER.EMPLOYEE INSTRUCTION ON SAFETYIt is very important to instruct your employees on thesafe use of this equipment at the time of their initialassignment to operate it. DO NOT let anyone operatethis equipment without proper instructions.Safety training should be presented annually andthe service manager should ensure employees fullyunderstand the safety messages and what to do incase of emergencies.EMERGENCY STOPPINGThe machine can be stopped at any time at any towerby turning the disconnect switch, located underneaththe tower box, to the OFF position. See Figure 12-1.Figure 12-1 1. Disconnect Switch! WARNINGPROPER GROUNDINGDO NOT attempt to start the machine until the elec-trical service is properly installed and grounded by aqualified electrician as per the electrical standards.See Figure 12-2.If the power supplied to the machine is not groundedproperly, severe injury or death can result should anelectrical malfunction occur.It is your responsibility to ensure that your powersupplier and/or electrical contractor has groundedthe irrigation machine as required by the NationalElectrical Code and by applicable local electricalcodes. If a machine is properly grounded and fusesizing is correct, there is extremely low probability ofan individual being injured by electrical shock.12345Figure 12-2 1. Ground Rod Installation2. Service Conductor3. Copper Ground Rod4. Copper Ground Wire5. ClampNOTE• All 480 VAC, 60 Hz (380 VAC, 50 Hz) power sup-ply services MUST be a 4 conductor service.Three 480 VAC (380 VAC) power lines and oneground conductor which is as large as thepower carrying conductors for that service.• Each time a towable machine is moved, theground wire MUST be reattached to the groundrod and checked for electrical integrity beforerestarting the machine.1