Installation21VideoJet 100All four alarm inputs are metallically isolated from the other com-ponents of the VideoJet 100 via optocouplers and require aDC voltage of 5 to 12 V for switching.If a metallic isolation is not required, the operating voltage of theVideoJet 100 is alternatively available at the input marked+5V (up to max. 5 mA).If necessary, a floating NO contact or push-button can be con-nected to this input.If a floating NO contact is used, the contact +5V must be connectedto the corresponding INPUT connection. The signal generator isthen connected between the other contact of the INPUT connectionand the contact GND." Pull terminal block INPUTS from its plug-in base." Lay the conductors to the terminals and then check that all screwsare securely tightened." Push the terminal block onto the plug-in base again.Attention!On no account should the external switching voltage be connectedto the housing earth of the VideoJet 100. The external switchingvoltage must not exceed 12 V.NoteIf possible, use a bounce-free push-button as signal generator.