Operation33VideoJet 10 ISDNStoring snapshotsIt is possible to store individual images from the current videosequence in the Livepage in JPEG format on the computer harddrive.) Click on the symbol Snapshot. The image will be stored. The stor-age location is specified during configuration of the unit (seechapter 5 of the VideoJet 10 manual).Image resolution Individual images can be displayed at different resolutions when thesnapshot is taken entering a command into the Internet addressfield. To do so just append the corresponding parameter to the com-mand snap.jpg:snap.jpg?JpegSize=XS 128 × 96 pixelssnap.jpg?JpegSize=S 176 × 144 pixelssnap.jpg?JpegSize=M 352 × 288 pixelssnap.jpg?JpegSize=XL 704 × 576 pixelsWithout this additional parameter, the image size will be 352 × 288pixels.) In the field for the Internet address (URL), enter the IP address ofthe VideoJet 10 ISDN, followed by the command /snap.jpg(for example: Press the return key on the computer. A single frame image will bedisplayed in a new window.) Using the mouse onscreen, press the right mouse button and selectthe command Save image as... .) Store the single image in the required format under a new name.