RoboSHOT HD CamerasRoboSHOT HD Cameras - Document Number 342-0797 Rev A Page 9 of 48Image: RoboSHOT 12X and 30X Rear Panel ConnectionsRear panel connections are identical for both models (RoboSHOT 12 shown).1) CAMERA SETTINGS: Dip switch settings for IR remote frequency, baud rate and image flip can be configuredwith these switches. See the Switch Settings page for additional information.2) HD VIDEO SELECT: A rotary switch allows the user to choose the HD video output resolution. See the SwitchSettings page for additional information.3) NETWORK CONTROL Port: The Ethernet 10/100 port allows the camera to be controlled from embeddedweb server with a web browser or through Telnet session.4) RS-232 Port: The RS-232 port accepts modified VISCA protocol for camera control over a Cat-5e cable. Thisport also acts as an IR Forwarding port with the Quick-Connect SR or Quick-Connect DVI/HDMI interfaces, whichallows the user to transmit 3 rd party IR signals through camera to the head-end.5) EZ-POWER VIDEO Port: The EZ-Power Video port supplies 24 VDC power to the camera and delivers HDvideo back to the Quick-Connect interface using high speed differential signaling over Cat-5e cable.6) 36 VDC FOR CCU ONLY: The CCU power port is only used with Quick-Connect Universal CCU and is shippedwith a dust cap inserted in the connector The EZ-Power Video port, becomes the Video output to the CCU, and theRS-232 connects normally. Please see the system diagrams of the CCU systems to fully understand the wiring.NOTE: Remove the dust cap just prior to connecting the 36 VDC Cat-5e cable. Please do not plug thiscable into the EZ-POWER VIDEO RJ-45.②③④⑤⑥①