RoboSHOT HD CamerasRoboSHOT HD Cameras - Document Number 342-0797 Rev A Page 18 of 48Screen Shot: Camera Control PageThis web page provides access to the camera controls for the User and the Admin.1) Pan, Tilt and Home Controls: These intuitive controls use the up/down and diagonal arrows for camera pan and tilt. Thecenter button will move the camera to the home position.2) Zoom Control: The camera’s zoom lens can be controlled with the “+” to zoom-in and the “-“to zoom out.3) Pan/Tilt and Zoom Speed Controls: The speed for both the Pan/Tilt and Zoom controls can be adjusted with the three(3) sliders in this section. For tighter shots, it is recommended that the slower speed is used. These controls are for real-time camera movements only.4) Standby: The Standby control puts the camera in low power mode and effectively puts the RoboSHOT to sleep. Thecamera will pan 90º from center and 30º downward (to not collect dust on the lens). When the camera is inverted (ceilingmounted) the camera will pan 90º from center and 30º downward. If the system is on, then the button will be blue andcontrols will be visible. If the button is red, no controls are accessible and the screen states: Device is in standby. Clickto power-up, then you’ll know what to do.5) Camera Presets: Twelve (12) camera position presets can be recalled simply by clicking a preset number.6) Store Preset Button: Clicking the Store button opens up a Store Preset pop-up dialog box. To set presets, set up thecamera shot, click on choice of preset number (1 through 12). The preset is stored and the dialog box closes. The StorePreset dialog bow will prompt the operator to enter the Tri-Sync speed to the stored camera preset and if the current colorsettings are to be stored with the preset too (see the next page).7) CCU Scenes: The user has access to the CCU scenes set and stored on the Admin pages. There are three (3) userdefinable presets and six (6) presets preconfigured by the technical folks at Vaddio (really Scott set them all) that are meantto be used in certain lighting scenarios. These lighting presets included: Automatic, Incandescent Hi, Incandescent Lo,Fluorescent Hi, Fluorescent Lo and Outdoor.8) Administration Menu: By clicking on the Administration menu bar, the Admin Login screen will appear.➊➍➋➎ ➏➐➌➑