12 13Turning your hearing aids on and offThe battery door acts as an on and off switch.1. On: Close thebattery doorfully.Note: It maytake fivesecondsbefore thehearing aidturns on.Your hearinghealthcareprofessionalcan increasethe start updelay if required.2. Off: Open the battery door.Note: When turning your hearing aid on and offwhile it is on the ear, grasp the top and bottomof the device with your index finger and thumb.Use your thumb to open and close the batterydoor.1.2.Battery informationLow battery warningTwo long beeps indicate the hearing aid batteryis low. After the low battery warning, soundsmay not be as clear. This is normal and can befixed by changing the batteries.If you can’t hear the low battery warning, yourhearing healthcare professional can change itspitch or loudness. If you prefer, it can be turnedoff entirely.Your hearing aids are designed to generate alow battery warning every 30 minutes until youchange the batteries, but depending on thecondition of the batteries, they may die beforeanother low battery warning occurs. Therefore,it is recommended that the batteries arereplaced as soon as possible once you hear thelow battery warning.2.1.