14 15Replacing the battery1. Gently swingout the batterydoor with yourfingernail.2. Push the batterywith your thumband index fingertowards theopen side, andremove or pull thebattery straightout, dependingon your style ofhearing aid.3. Insert the newbattery intothe batterycompartmentwith the plus(+) sign on thebattery facing thesame way as the1. 1.2. 2.3. 3.4. 4.battery symbol on the battery door. This willensure that the battery door closes properly.Note: If the battery is inserted incorrectly, thehearing aid will not turn on.4. Close the battery door.Note: There is a tamper-proof battery dooroption for these hearing aids. Please see yourhearing healthcare professional for furtherinformation.Caring for batteries• Always discard batteries in a safe andenvironmentally friendly way.• To prolong battery life, remember to turnyour hearing aids off when not in use,especially when asleep.• Remove the batteries and keep the batterydoor open while hearing aids are not beingworn, especially when asleep. This will allowinternal moisture to evaporate.