-12.3 RFID Reader ConfigurationAfter RFID Reader Interface has been successfully initialized, Developer must open a RFID Reader andthen Configure parameters of RFID Reader for the current operation environment. Such as the operationmode, data response format, the power state of RFID Reader and other parameters.12.3.1 Open RFID ReaderDescription:Open a RFID Reader for control. An application must call this function beforecontrol the RFID Reader.Function Call:RFID_STATUS RFIDOpen(int nRadio = 0);Parameters:nRadio - Reserved for future use.Returns: RFID_STATUS.12.3.2 Close RFID ReaderDescription:Release control of a RFID Reader.Function Call:RFID_STATUS RFIDClose (int nRadio = 0);Parameters:nRadio - Reserved for future use.Returns: RFID_STATUS.12.3.3 Set the Operation Mode for the RFID ReaderDescription:The RFID Reader module may operate either in continuous or non-continuous mode. Incontinuous mode, when a tag-protocol-operation cycle (i.e. one iteration through all enabledantenna ports) has completed, the RFID Reader module begins a new tag protocol-operationcycle with the first enabled antenna port and continues to do so until the operation isexplicitly cancelled by the application. In non-continuous mode, only a single tag-protocol-operation cycle is executed upon the RFID radio module.Function Call:RFID_STATUS RFIDSetOperationMode(RFID_RADIO_OPERATION_MODE mode);Parameters:mode - The operation mode for the RFID Reader.Returns: RFID_STATUS.12.3.4 Get the Operation Mode for the RFID ReaderDescription:Retrieves the operation mode for the RFID Reader.Function Call:RFID_RADIO_OPERATION_MODE RFIDGetOperationMode();Parameters:NoneReturns: RFID_STATUS.