-4 Scanner3.DLL – Backward compatible API for PT930/PT930S’s Scanner3.dll“Scanner3.lib” and “scanner3.h” are necessary files for VC programming to compileapplication. You can find it from standard LIB and INCLUDE folder after installed SDK.4.1 Enable DecoderFunction Description:This function will open COM2 port, create a thread to get any barcode input from Decoder Chip,and then store input data in the system buffer. Application can use function call PT_GetBarcode()to get input data from the system buffer.Function call:INT PT_EnableBarcode(VOID);Return code:=1 Create new thread fail=2 Cannot re-enable=3 Cannot open COM2=4 Upload parameter from Hamster fail=0 OK4.2 Disable DecoderFunction Description:This function will close COM2 port and then remove thread which is created byPT_EnableBarcode()Function call:VOID PT_DisableBarcode( VOID );4.3 Check barcode inputFunction Description:This function is used to check whether there is available barcode data on system buffer which issuccessfully decoded by decoder chip.Function call:BOOL PT_CheckBarcode( VOID );Return code:TRUE = There is input data on system buffer.FALSE = There is no data on system buffer.