Warranty54UNIDEN UH9060/UH9080 UHF CB TransceiverUNIDEN UH9060/UH9080 UHF CB TransceiverIMPORTANT: Satisfactory evidence of the original purchase is required forwarranty servicePlease refer to our Uniden website for any details or warranty durations offered inaddition to those contained below.Warrantor: The warrantor is Uniden Australia Pty Limited ABN 58 001 865 498 (“UnidenAust”).Terms of Warranty: Uniden Aust warrants to the original retail purchaser only thatthe UH9060/UH9080 UHF CB Transceiver (“the Product”), will be free from defectsin materials and craftsmanship for the duration of the warranty period, subject to thelimitations and exclusions set out below.Warranty period: This warranty to the original retail purchaser is only valid in the originalFRXQWU\ RI SXUFKDVH IRU D 3URGXFW ¿UVW SXUFKDVHG HLWKHU LQ $XVWUDOLD RU 1HZ =HDODQGProduct 5 YearsBattery Pack &Accessories1 YearIf a warranty claim is made, this warranty will not apply if the Product is found by Unidento be:(A) Damaged or not maintained in a reasonable manner or as recommendedin the relevant Uniden Owner’s Manual;% 0RGL¿HGDOWHUHGRUXVHGDVSDUWRIDQ\FRQYHUVLRQNLWVVXEDVVHPEOLHVRU DQ\FRQ¿JXUDWLRQVQRWVROGE\8QLGHQ$XVW(C) Improperly installed contrary to instructions contained in the relevantOwner’s Manual(D) Repaired by someone other than an authorized Uniden Repair Agentin relation to a defect or malfunction covered by this warranty; or(E) Used in conjunction with any equipment, parts or a system notmanufactured by Uniden.Parts Covered: This warranty covers the Product and included accessories.User-generated Data: This warranty does not cover any claimed loss of or damage touser-generated data (including but without limitation phone numbers, addresses andimages) that may be stored on your Product.