Operation19UNIDEN UH9060/UH9080 UHF CB TransceiverTriple WatchTriple watch will continuously monitor the two Instant Channel and the current channelfor activity ( see Programming the Instant Priority Channel-1/Channel-2, p.17)Press and hold [TRIPLE] to switch Triple watch On/Off.NOTE(YHU\VHFRQGVWKH,QVWDQWFKDQQHOLVPRQLWRUHGIRUPVHF7ULSOHZDWFKIXQFWLRQVWRSVWHPSRUDULO\ZKHQUHFHLYLQJDVLJQDO7ULSOHZDWFKIXQFWLRQLVLQYDOLGLQ6FDQPRGHTransmittingThe UH9060/UH9080 transmits only on UHF-CB Channels.NOTEFor your reference a list of the available channels, correspondingfrequencies and guidelines for their use and selection is printed on p.51- p.53. For Australia, Channels 05 and 35 are reserved for EmergencyCalls.Select the desired channel. Press [PTT] on the side of the Remote LCD Speaker MICand speak normally into the microphone. Hold it approx. 7cm from your mouth. Release[PTT] to end the transmission and listen for a reply.