E-18Problem SuggestionUnit does not work as well aspreviously.Turn the power off then back on. The channelswill reset.Battery power check returnedFAILLO or FAILHI.Make sure your power wires have a goodconnection.Check your battery charge; it needs to be fullycharged. Lower voltage will cause a failure.Check your alternator.Antenna check returned FAIL. Make sure your antenna ground is good.Check for damage to the antenna.Check the SWRs at a CB shop. High SWRs willdamage the radio.RF power diagnosis checkreturned FAIL.Make sure your antenna ground is good.Check for damage to your antenna.Check the antenna connection on the back ofthe radio. Be sure it is tight.If you do not get satisfactory results after performing these checks, callthe Uniden Customer Service Center at 1-800-297-1023, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m. CST, Monday through Friday.serviCing yoUr transCeiverTechnical information, diagrams, and charts are provided on request. Itis the user's responsibility to see that this radio is operating at all timesin accordance with the FCC Citizens Radio Service regulations. We highlyrecommend that you consult a qualified radio/telephone technician forservicing and aligning this CB radio product.When ordering parts, be sure to specify the correct model number and serialnumber of the unit.speCiFiCationsgeneralChannel: 40 AM/USB/LSBFrequency Range: CB : 26.965 - 27.405 MHzWX : 162.400 - 162.550 MHz