LEA-6 / NEO-6 / MAX-6 - Hardware Integration ManualUBX-14054794 Production Information Hardware descriptionPage 16 of 851.7 I/O pins1.7.1 RESET_NLEA-6 modules include a RESET_N pin. Driving RESET_N low activates a hardware reset of the system. RESET_Nis only an input and will not reset external circuitry.Use components with open drain output (i.e. with buffer or voltage supervisor).There is an internal pull up resistor of 3.3 k to VCC inside the module that requires that the reset circuitry candeliver enough current (e.g. 1 mA).Do not drive RESET_N high.NEO-6 and MAX-6 modules do not include a RESET_N pin. However, this functionality can be implemented forthese modules by connecting the NEO-6 and MAX-6 pin 8 to pin 9 with a 3.3 k resistor, instead of connectingthem directly. Pin 8 (NEO-6) or pin 9 (MAX-6) can then be used as a RESET_N input with the samecharacteristics as the reset pin on LEA-6 modules.Use caution when implementing RESET_N on NEO-6 and MAX-6 modules since forwardcompatibility is not guaranteed.1.7.2 EXTINT - External interrupt pinEXTINT0 is an external interrupt pin with fixed input voltage thresholds with respect to VCC (see the data sheetfor more information). It can be used for the time mark function on LEA-6T or for wake-up functions in PowerSave Mode on all u-blox 6 LCC modules. Leave open if unused.1.7.3 AADET_N (LEA-6)AADET_N is an input pin and is used to report whether an external circuit has detected an external antenna ornot. Low means the antenna has been detected. High means no external antenna has been detected.See section 2.6.4 for an implementation example.1.7.4 Configuration pins (LEA-6S/6A, NEO-6)ROM-based modules provide up to 3 pins (CFG_COM0, CFG_COM1, and CFG_GPS0) for boot-timeconfiguration. These become effective immediately after start-up. Once the module has started, theconfiguration settings can be modified with UBX configuration messages. The modified settings remain effectiveuntil power-down or reset. If these settings have been stored in battery-backup RAM, then the modifiedconfiguration will be retained, as long as the backup battery supply is not interrupted.The module data sheets indicate the meaning of the configuration pins when they are high (1) or low (0). In factno configuration pins need to be pulled high. All have internal pull ups and therefore default to the high (1)state when left open or connected to a high impedance output. They should be left open unless there is a needto pull them low to alter the initial configuration.Some configuration pins are shared with other functions. During start-up, the module reads the state of theconfiguration pins. Afterwards the other functions can be used.The configuration pins of u-blox 6 use an internal pull-up resistor, which determines the default setting.For more information about settings and messages see the module data sheet.MAX-6 doesn’t have pins for boot-time configuration.1.7.5 Second time pulse for LEA-6T-0 and LEA-6T-1LEA-6T-0 and LEA-6T-1 include a second time pulse pin (TIMEPULSE2). For more information and configurationsee the LEA-6 Data Sheet [1] and also the u-blox 6 Receiver Description including Protocol Specification [4]. (LEA-6T-2 provides a single time pulse output only.)