Convert Server User Manual www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited 15 / 44 tec@usr.cn4.5. Ethernet bridge connection(WIFI works in AP mode)Figure 11 Ethernet bridge connectionUSR-WIFI232-630 wireless configured for AP mode,Turn off the DHCP server of module,And IP will revisethe router with a network segment (in the page of "AP Interface Setting" there is a corresponding option)Afterthe completion of installation,2RJ45 of serial server connected to the router,1RJ45 of serial server connectedcomputer.So, computer, serial server, router in the same network.Serial server is equivalent to a switch bridgerouter and computer.Which uses the AT command includes the following: AT+WAP Set to the router SSID AT+WAKEY Set to the router password AT+LANN Set the ip of itself with routers in the same segment IP AT+DHCPDEN=off Turn off the serial port server DHCP functionApplication and setting process with AT instructions, please refer to the specificdocument "USR-WIFI232-D2_en" AT instruction section.