USR-G806 User Manual Technical Support: h.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited www.usriot.com44we need to set the mapping from the outside network to the inside network, such as setting the outsidenetwork port to 81, the inside network IP, and the inside network port to 80.When we access the 81 port from the WAN port, the access request will be transferred to NAT DMZPort mapping is to map a specified port of WAN port address to a host in the intranet. DMZ function maps allports of WAN port address to a host. Setting interface and port forwarding are in the same interface. Whensetting up, the external port is not filled in.Figure56 DMZ setting1Then add and save.Figure58 DMZ setting2As shown, all ports of the WAN address are mapped to the host of the intranet.NotePort mapping and DMZ functions can’t be used at the same time. Access RestrictionsAccess restriction implements the access restriction to the specified domain name, supports the blacklist andwhitelist settings of domain name addresses. When a blacklist is selected, the device connecting the routercan’t access the domain name of the blacklist, and other domain name addresses can be accessed normally.When a whitelist is selected, the device connecting the router can access the domain name of the whitelistonly.