SS1095 5MARINE SERIESOrigins Ice MakerModel SS1095All Origins Ice Makers provide high daily ice productionand storage capabilities, and conserve on water, usingonly 2-3/4 gallons (10.4 L) to produce approximately 22 lbs(10 kg) of ice.• Model SS1095 produces up to 23 lbs (10.4 kg) of ice perday and will store 12 lbs (5.4 kg).• The unit features a clear, removable ice bucket.• Occasional manual defrosting will be required.• Models SS1095 door features custom Stainless sidehandle that is field reversible.Features and specifications are subject to change withoutnotice.Figure 2IMPORTANTIMPORTANTProper air flow is required for your unit to operateat its highest efficiently. A grille, located in the baseof the unit (Figure 2), must not be blocked at anytime, or your unit will not perform as expected.Initial StartupAll U-Line units are shipped with controls that are preset.No initial adjustments are required.IMPORTANTIMPORTANTIt is possible that dirt or scale will dislodge in thewater line. Always throw away all ice cubes madeduring the first two to three hours of operation.The power switch is located behind the front grille. Asmall opening in the top of the grille (Figure 2) isprovided to access the switch.Figure 3Depress the ON/OFF switch (Figure 3) as required to turnthe unit on or off.Ice Harvest ControlAdjustments are not normally needed. The control ispreset at the factory.IMPORTANTIMPORTANTMaking adjustments may affect the daily iceproduction of the unit.To adjust the Ice Harvest Control:1. Remove the front grille (one screw) (Figure 2).Figure 42. Turn the adjusting screw (Figure 4) using a flat tipscrewdriver in a small increment clockwise for a COLDERsetting (slower ice production) or counterclockwise fora WARMER setting (faster ice production).3. Replace the front grille (one screw).Ice MakerWhen the ice bucket is full, the ice making mechanism willshut off. However, the refrigeration system will continueto cool and maintain the cube supply.IMPORTANTIMPORTANTDo not place cans or bottles in the ice compartmentbecause they will freeze.4 Product Features5 OperationULIN_1038_AModelSS1095FCModelSS1095FDGrillescrewULIN_0129_AOFFONCOLDERULIN_0131_A