December 2005 © TOSHIBA TEC e-STUDIO163/203 ERROR CODE AND SELF-DIAGNOSTIC MODE2 - 172365 ADF ADF leadingedge positionadjustmentfor single -sided orig-inalALL 50<0-100>M When the valueincreases by “1”, thecopied image of originalfed from the ADF shiftstoward the trailing edgeof paper by approx.0.1 mm.1401 Laser Fine adjustment of polygo-nal motor rotation speed(adjustment of primaryscanning direction repro-duction ratio)PRT 136<0-255>M When the valueincreases by “1”, thereproduction ratio of pri-mary scanning directionincreases by approx.0.07%. (approx. 0.1 mm/step)1405 PPC 134<0-255>M 1410 Laser Adjustment of primaryscanning laser writing startposition.PPC 128<0-255>M When the valueincreases by “1”, the writ-ing start position shifts tothe front side by approx.0.0423 mm.1411 PRT 153<0-255>M 1421 Drive Adjustment ofsecondaryscanningdirectionreproductionratio(fine adjust-ment of mainmotor speed)PPC/PRT129<0-255>M When the valueincreases by “1”, thereproduction ratio of sec-ondary scanning direc-tion increases by approx.0.04%.1424 Drive Fine adjust-ment of exitmotor speedPPC/PRT160<0-255>M When the valueincreases by “1”, therotation becomes fasterby approx. 0.05%.1Adjustment mode (05)Code Classi-fication Items Func-tionDefaultablevalue>RAM Contents Proce-dure PreviousNext |