E6581926F-8966.26 Torque limit6.26.1 Torque limit switchingf441 : Power running torque limit 1levelf443 : Regenerative braking torquelimit 1 levelf444 : Power running torque limit 2levelf445 : Regenerative braking torquelimit 2 levelf454 : Constant output zone torquelimit selection FunctionDecrease the output frequency according to the overload condition when the motor tor que reaches acertain set level. T his function will be invalid when setting a torque limit parameter at 250.You can also select limiting the constant output or constant torque in the constant output zone.This function will not work when the parameter =, , 7 setting. Setting methodsWhen setting limits to torque, use internal parameters (Torque limits can also be set with an external control device.)With the parameter f454, you can select the item for limit treatment in the constant output zone (somewhat weakmagnetic field) from constant output (f454=0: default setting) or constant torque (f454=1).Output voltage limit option(f307=1) is recommended for the parameter f307 (supply voltage correction).Power running torque limit and regenerative braking torque limit can be set with the parameters f441 and f443.PowerrunningRegenerative Forward run RegenerativePowerrunningPositive torqueNegative torqueReverse run: =: =