3. Database Management18Report Data Processing of Power Factor Indicator TagsMaximum, minimum and average values of power factor indicator tags of the PCS-DS processtags are calculated in accordance with the following report calculation methods. Whencalculating maximum and minimum values, select the set-phase calculation system or absolute-value calculation system.(1) Maximum valueSelect and perform the set-phase calculation system or absolute-value calculation system foreach tag in accordance with the data processing system set up in the report database.1) Set-phase calculation systemThe maximum value on the + or - side of a phase is set up as the maximum value of thephase.2) Absolute-value calculation systemThe maximum value of an absolute value is set up as the maximum value of the absolutevalue.(2) Minimum valueSelect and perform the set-phase calculation system or absolute-value calculation system foreach tag in accordance with the data processing system set up in the report database.1) Set-phase calculation systemThe minimum value on the + or - side of a phase is set up as the minimum value of thephase.2) Absolute-value calculation systemThe minimum value of an absolute value is set up as the minimum value of the absolutevalue.3) Average valueThe average value of power factors is calculated.Report Calculation Processing of Integrated-Value TagMake report calculations of hourly, daily, monthly and yearly data and save it in integrated-valuetags of the PCS-DS process tags and OIS/SVR internal process tags. Select and perform counter,analog integration, operation-hour integration or halt-time integration for hourly data inaccordance with the tag type set up in the report database. Create hourly, daily, monthly andyearly data by the following calculation methods regardless of the report calculation systemwhen the hourly data processing type is set up for counter, analog integration, operation-hourintegration or halt-time integration.