Speed Dial Memo:*ll TOSHIBA7145833700Toll Restriction andTraveling Class OverrideCodes:G] El,,*Two-CO Line Calls:1. Tandem[JA;“:;‘~:,“:lr:,j EljlY2. ConferenceNO. NNNCONF LINE N1 N2 1When using Speed Dial Memo (Mode + 8 + the speed dial number), the nameand number are displayed. Press Page to display more.TOSHIBA is the memo (up to 12 characters).714 583 3700 is the number (up to 16 digits).After you access a CO Line and press Cnfmn + # 4 7 to dial a complete tollrestriction override or traveling class code, your LCD display will prompt you todial a code.After you establish a two-Central Office (CO) line conference call and thenrelease. NI and NZ identify the connected CO lines.When you are talking with two external parties on two CO lines. NI and NZidentify the connected CO lines.17