Caller ID Calls:See Automa tic Numberldentifica tion on page 6.Call Pickup:[-Y-ZZj[ti] aa,Calling Number-Internal:[ELLL] awsCO Line Identification:“CF-A” denotes Call Forward-All Calls from PPP to RRR.Press Scroll.“CF-8” denotes Call Forward-Busy from PPP to SSS.Press Scroll.“CF-NA” denotes Call Forward-No Answer from TTT to UUU.Press Scroll.“CF-BN” denotes Call Forward-Busy/No Answer from VVV to UUU.Press Scroll.When you pick up an internal ringing call, the calling station’s [PDN] is displayedon the left and the station number called is displayed on the right.Your LCD telephone displays information noting that your call to station (MMM)was picked up by station (WWW).When you receive an internal call, the calling station’s [PDN] (LLL) is displayed,even if you were called from a [PhDN] on that station.The Central Office (CO) lines can be programmed to display an identifying nameof up to 16 characters. The name will be displayed on outgoing and incomingcalls.IO