PCB Installation4-21Strata CTX I&M September 2002REMU2A – Tie Line UnitCircuits per PCB: four Tie line circuitsInterfaces with: E&M Tie lines2- or 4-wire transmissionOlder Version(s): PEMUThe REMU2A has four decibel (dB) Pad switches which can be set to reduce excessive loudnessresulting from close proximity to an Exchange Line or PBX by providing a -3 dB signal level drop tothe PBX or Exchange Line. (Pad is for Transmit and Receive for 2W operation, and Transmit only isfor 4W operation.)REMU2A and REMU controls, indicators, and interface connectors are shown in Figures 4-16, 4-17and described in Table 4-11.PEMU controls, indicators, and interface connectors are shown in Figure 4-18 and described in Table4-12.REMU2A Installation1. Set the 2W/4W jumper plugs SW103~SW403 to the appropriate positions.2. If the system is located within 1.61km (one mile) of the PBX or Exchange Line, set the REMU dBPad switches SW101, SW201, SW301, and SW401 to the 3 (-3 dB signal level drop) position.3. Make sure the jumper plugs for P105, P205, P305 and P405 are set to the TYP1,2 (default), unlessthe unit is used in the U.K. or Japan, in which case the plug should be moved to DC5.4. Ensure the position of the jumper plug on P2 selects A Law.5. Insert the REMU (component side facing right) into the appropriate slot and apply firm, evenpressure to ensure proper mating of connectors.6. After installing the REMU, gently pull it outward. If the connectors are properly mated, a slightresistance is felt.PEMU Installation1. Determine if the E&M Tie lines will be configured for 2- or 4-wire transmission.2. Set the 2W/4W jumper plugs P103, P203, P303, and P403 to the appropriate positions.3. Set the FG jumper plug P3 to the “2-3” position.4. Set all GND/BAT jumper plugs to the “BAT” position for connection to the telephone network.5. Insert the PEMU (component side facing right) into the appropriate slot and apply firm, evenpressure to ensure proper mating of connectors.)6. After installing, gently pull the PEMU outward. If the connectors are properly mated, a slightresistance is felt.