110 Series 1-11.1 FeaturesThe 110 series computer is one of the lightest and most advanced portable computers avail-able. Utilizing advanced technology and high-speed components, the computer offersmultimedia functions, excellent display legibility, battery operation, and IBM PC/AT com-patibility. The unit's features are:q MicroprocessorA Pentium processor with Voltage Reduction Technology (VRT) that operates at 100MHz and 3.3/2.9 volts.q MemoryStandard with 8 MB of CMOS RAM. This includes 640 KB of conventional memoryand 7360 KB of extended memory.q Hard Disk Drive (HDD)An internal 810 million byte (772 MB) HDD.q Floppy Disk Drive (FDD)A 3.5-inch FDD supports 2HD (1.44 MB) floppy disks and 2DD (720 KB) floppydisks.q DisplayThe 110CS has an 11.3-inch Dual-scan Supertwist Nematic (DSTN) color LCD with800 x 600 pixels. The 110CT has an 11.3-inch Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) colorLCD with 800 x 600 pixels. The built-in display controller supports 640 x 480resolution with 16M colors capability and up to 1024 x 768 resolution with 256colors on an external CRT.q KeyboardAn easy-to-use 82/84-key keyboard provides a numeric keypad overlay for fastnumeric data entry or for cursor and page control. The keyboard supports softwarethat uses a 101- or 102-key enhanced keyboard.q BatteriesThree different batteries: main battery, backup battery (for memory backup), and RealTime Clock (RTC) battery.