If have curtain rails, window cornice or other objects, allow space fromthe indoor unit should be 65 mm or more. ,IDOORZVSDFHLVOHVVWKDQPPWKLVFDQDIIHFWWKHRSHQLQJDQG FORVLQJRIWKHDLULQOHWJULOOHDQGWKHKRUL]RQWDOORXYHU +RZHYHUWKHUHVKRXOGEHQRREMHFWVLQWKHDLURXWOHWSRVLWLRQIt will block the air flow direction and drop performance.CAUTIONØ4 mm x 25INDOOR UNITInstallation Place 'LUHFWVXQOLJKWWRWKHLQGRRUXQLW’s wireless receiver should be avoided. The microprocessor in the indoor unit should not be too close to RFnoise sources.(For details, see the owner’s manual.)Remote control A place where there are no obstacles such as a curtain that may block theVLJQDOIURPWKHLQGRRUXQLW 'RQRWLQVWDOOWKHUHPRWHFRQWUROLQDSODFHH[SRVHGWRGLUHFWVXQOLJKWRUFORVHWRDKHDWLQJVRXUFHVXFKDVDVWRYH Keep the remote control at least 1 m apart from the nearest TV set orVWHUHRHTXLSPHQW 7KLVLVQHFHVVDU\WRSUHYHQWLPDJHGLVWXUEDQFHVRUnoise interference.) The location of the remote control should be determined as shown below.Cutting a Hole and MountingInstallation PlateNOTE When GULOOLQJ a wall that contains a metal lath, wire lath or metal plate, besure to use a pipe hole brim ULQJ sold separately.Cutting a hole:KHQLQVWDOOLQJWKHUHIULJHUDQWSLSHVIURPWKHUHDU1. $IWHUGHWHUPLQLQJWKHSLSHKROHSRVLWLRQRQWKHPRXQWLQJSODWH ¨), drillWKHSLSHKROH PP DWDVOLJKWGRZQZDUGVODQWWRWKHRXWGRRUVLGH A place which provides the spaces around the indoor unit as shown in theGLDJUDm A place where there are no obstacles near the air inlet and outlet A place which allows easy installation of the SLSLQJ to the outdoor unit A place which allows the front panel to be opened The indoor unit shall be installed at least 2.5 m KHLJKt.Also, it must be avoided to put anytKLQJ on the top of the indoor unit.CAUTION54 °45°°60(Side view) (Top view)Indoor unitReception UDQJeRemotecontrolRemotecontrolReceptionUDQJeIndoor unitThe center of the pipe holeis above the arrow.Pipe holeØ65 mm120 mm6When the installation plate is directly mountedon the wall1. Securely fiWWKHLQVWDOODWLRQSODWHRQWRWKHZDOOE\VFUHZLQJLWLQWKHXSSHUand lower parts to hook up the indoor unit.2. To mount the installation plate on a concrete wall with anchor bolts, usethe anchor bolt holes as illustrated in the below fiJXUH3. ,QVWDOOWKHLQVWDOODWLRQSODWHKRUL]RQWDOO\LQWKHZDOO:KHQLQVWDOOLQJWKHLQVWDOODWLRQSODWHZLWKDPRXQWLQJVFUHw, do not usethe anchor bolt holes. Otherwise, the unit may fall down and result inSHUVRQDOLQMXU\DQGSURSHUW\GDPDJHCAUTIONFailure to firmly install the unit may result in personal injury and propertyGDPDJHLIWKHXQLWIDOOV In case of block, brick, concrete or similar type walls, make 5 mm dia.holes in the wall. ,QVHUWFOLSDQFKRUVIRUDSSURSULDWHPRXQWLQJVFUHZV6.NOTE Secure four corners and lower parts of the installation plate with 4 to 6PRXQWLQJVFUHZVWRLQVWDOOLWCAUTIONInstallation plate.HHSKRUL]RQWDOGLUHFWLRQ5 mm dia. holeClip anchor(local parts)0RXQWLQJVFUHZAnchor boltProjection15 mm or lessMounting the installation plate14450 5030065 10330061+RRk+RRk +RRkPipe holePipe holeInstallationplateMountLQJ screwWHLJKtIndoor unit Thread 6SDFHDOORZVIRUPRYLQJUDQJHRIWKHDLULQOHWJULOOHDQGKRUL]RQWDOORXYHUin operation above curtain rails, window cornice or other objects.$LULQOHWJULOOHCurtain rails,window corniceor other objectsDistance betweenbottom of indoor unitWRPD[LPXPKRUL]RQWDOORXYHURSHQLQJ+RUL]RQWDOORXYHU50706565 293135400(Unit : mm)7