Do not use means to accelerate the defrosting process or to clean, other thanthose recommended by the manufacturer. The appliance shall be stored in a room without continuously operating ignitionsources (for example: open flames, an operating gas appliance or an operatingelectric heater). Be aware that refrigerants may not contain an odour. Do not pierce or burn as the appliance is pressurized. Do not expose theappliance to heat, flame, sparks, or other sources or ignition.Else, it may explode and cause injury or death. A special tool for the R32 or R410A refrigerant is required for installation.7KLFNQHVVRIFRSSHUSLSHVXVHG5PXVWEHPRUHWKDQPP1HYHUXVH FRSSHUSLSHVWKLQQHUWKDQPP$IWHUFRPSOHWLRQRILQVWDOODWLRQRUVHUYLFHFRQILUPWKHUHLVQROHDNDJHRIrefrigerant gas. It may generate toxic gas when the refrigerant contacts with fire.:KHQWKHLQGRRUXQLWLVFRQQHFWHGZLWKPXOWLVSOLW5RXWGRRUXQLW00 DQG0 3OHDVHVHH,06RXWGRRUXQLWLQVWDOODWLRQPDQXDODQGFRQVXOW\RXUGHDOHUDERXWthe minimum floor area.&RPSO\ZLWKQDWLRQDOJDVUHJXODWLRQVWARNINGAfter installation work, make sure below before operation.- Connection pipes are connected properly and no leakage.- Packed valves are fully open.5XQQLQJFRPSUHVVRUZLWKRXWRSHQSDFNHGYDOYHVPD\FDXVHDEQRUPDOKLJKpressure and parts failure.Leakage at connection piping may suck air and make further high pressurecause burst and injure.During pump down work make sure below process.- Don’t mix air into the refrigerant cycle.- Stop the compressor before removing piping after packed valves arefully closed.5HPRYLQJSLSLQJXQGHUWKHFRPSUHVVRUUXQQLQJDQGSDFNHGYDOYHVRSHQair might be sucked and refrigeration cycle pressure becomes abnormally high,and it causes burst or injury on persons.3