92MainremotecontrolCheck codeH06 H06 —I/F Activation oflow-pressureprotectionAll stop Low-pressure Ps sensor detectsoperating pressure lower than0.02MPa.• Check service valves to confirmfull opening (both gas and liquidsides).• Check outdoor PMVs for clogging(PMV1).• Check for defect in SV2 or SV4circuits.• Check for defect in lowpressurePs sensor.• Check indoor filter for clogging.• Check valve opening status ofindoor PMV.• Check refrigerant piping forclogging.• Check operation of outdoor fan(during heating).• Check for insufficiency inrefrigerant quantity.H07 H07 —I/F Low oil levelprotectionAll stop Operating compressor detectscontinuous state of low oil level forabout 2 hours.line to be checked>• Check balance pipe service valveto confirm full opening.• Check connection and installationof TK1, TK2, TK4, and TK5sensors.• Check resistance characteristicsof TK1, TK2, TK4, and TK5sensors.• Check for gas or oil leak in sameline.• Check for refrigerant probleminside compressor casing.• Check SV3A, SV3B, SV3C,SV3D valves for defect.• Check oil return circuit of oilseparator for clogging.• Check oil equalizing circuit forclogging.H15 H15 —I/F TD2 sensormiswiring(incompleteinsertion)All stop Discharge temperature of (TD2)does not increase despitecompressor 2 being in operation.• Check installation of TD2 sensor.• Check connection of TD2 sensorconnector and wiring.• Check resistance characteristicsof TD2 sensor.• Check for defect in outdoor P.C.board (I/F).H08 H0801: TK1 sensor trouble02: TK2 sensor trouble04: TK4 sensor trouble05: TK5 sensor troubleI/F Trouble intemperaturesensor for oillevel detectionAll stop Sensor resistance is infinity or zero(open/short circuit).• Check connection of TK1 sensorconnector.• Check resistance characteristicsof TK1 sensor.• Check for defect in outdoor P.C.board (I/F).All stop Sensor resistance is infinity or zero(open/short circuit).• Check connection of TK2 sensorconnector.• Check resistance characteristicsof TK2 sensor.• Check for defect in outdoor P.C.board (I/F).All stop Sensor resistance is infinity or zero(open/short circuit).• Check connection of TK4 sensorconnector.• Check resistance characteristicsof TK4 sensor.• Check for defect in outdoor P.C.board (I/F).All stop Sensor resistance is infinity or zero(open/short circuit).• Check connection of TK5 sensorconnector.• Check resistance characteristicsof TK5 sensor.• Check for defect in outdoor P.C.board (I/F).Outdoor 7-segment displayCheckcode Sub-codeLocationofdetection Description System status Trouble detectioncondition(s) Check items (locations) PreviousNext |