81TLA21F21FOutdoor suctiontemperature sensor(TS1,TS3) troubleOutdoor suction temperature sensor(TS1,TS3) has been open/short-circuited.TLA51F–51FOutdoor temperaturesensor (TE1,TL1)wiring troubleWiring trouble in outdoor temperature sensors(TE1,TL1) has been detected.TLA61F–61F Outdoor pressure sensor(Pd, Ps) wiring troubleWiring trouble in outdoor pressure sensors (Pd,Ps) has been detected.– TLA32F32F Low pressure sensor (Ps)trouble Output voltage of low pressure sensor (Ps) is zero.TLA42F–42F High pressure sensor (Pd)troubleOutput voltage of high pressure sensor (Pd) is zeroor provides abnormal readings when compressorshave been turned off.Outdooe EEPROM troubleMIS13F–13FOutdoor EEPROM is faulty (alarm and shutdownfor header unit and continued operation for followerunit)H05 – H05Outdoor dischargetemperature sensor (TD1)wiring troubleWiring/installation trouble or detachment ofoutdoor discharge temperature sensor (TD1) hasbeen detectedH06 – H06 Activation of low-pressureprotectioLow pressure (Ps) sensor detects abnormally lowoperating pressure.noitcetorplevelliowoL70H–70H Temperature sensor for oil level detection(TK1,TK2,TK4,TK5) detects abnormally low oillevel.H0801: TK1 sensor trouble02: TK2 sensor trouble04: TK4 sensor trouble05: TK5 sensor troubleH08Trouble in temperaturesensor for oil leveldetection(TK1,TK2,TK4,TK5)Temperature sensor for oil level detection(TK1,TK2,TK4,TK5) has been open/short-circuited.H15 – H15Outdoor dischargetemperature sensor (TD2)wiring troubleWiring/installation trouble or detachment ofoutdoor discharge temperature sensor (TD2) hasbeen detected.H1601: TK1 oil circuit trouble02: TK2 oil circuit trouble04: TK4 oil circuit trouble05: TK5 oil circuit troubleH16 Oil level detection circuittroubleNo temperature change is detected bytemperature sensor for oil level detection(TK1,TK2,TK4,TK5) despite compressor havingbeen started.MIS40L–40L Duplicated outdoorrefrigerant line addressIdentical refrigerant line address has beenassigned to outdoor units belonging to differentrefrigerant piping systems.L06Number of priority indoor units(check code L05 or L06 dependingon individual unit)MIS50LDuplicated priority indoorunit (as displayed onpriority indoor unit)More than one indoor unit have been set up aspriority indoor unit.MIS60LDuplicated priority indoorunit (as displayed onindoor unit other thanpriority indoor unit)More than one indoor unit have been set upas priority indoor unit.MIS)80L(–80L Indoor group address notsetAddress setting have not been performed for oneor more indoor units (also detected at indoor end).testonyticapacroodtuOMIS01L–01L Outdoor unit capacity has not been set (after P.C.board replacement).MIS71L–71L Outdoor modelincompatibility troubleOld model outdoor unit (prior to 6 series) has beenconnected.MIS82L–82L Too many outdoor unitsconnectedMore than three outdoor units have beenconnected.Check code Display of receiving unitTypical problem site Description of problemOutdoor 7-segment display TCC-LINKcentral controlor main remotecontroldisplayIndicator light blockSub-code FlashOperation Timer Ready01: TG102: TG2F09Outdoor heat exchanger gas side temperaturesensors (TG1, TG2) have been open/-short circuited.Outdoor heat exchangergas side temperaturesensor (TG1, TG2) trouble01: TS103: TS3SIML23–L23 SW setting mistake Bit 3 and 4 of SW17 are turning on.