6F8A0917- 77 -Changing the span valueThe span value for each range is set.The following is an example to show how to change the span value of Range 1 from 2.0m3/h to 100l/min.Switch operation Display example DescriptionC2: RANGE 12.0000 m3/hSelect C2: RANGE 1 from the setting item selection menu.The currently set span value for Range 1 (2.0 m3/h in thisexample) appears.C2: RANGE 12.0000 m3/hThe cursor appears.Press further to move the cursor to the digit of volumetricunit.C2: RANGE 12000.0 l/h↓33.333 l/minChange the volumetric unit to l.Press to move the cursor to the digit of time unit andlikewise change the unit to min. (Note)(The span value will be automatically changed as this unit ischanged.)C2: RANGE 133.333 l/min Move the cursor to the desired digit to change.C2: RANGE 113.333 l/min↓100.00 l/minChange the number of the digit.To change other digit, press under this condition to movethe cursor to that digit and change the number there.C2: RANGE 1100.00 l/minThe display blinks and the set value is displayed forconfirmation.Press MENU/ENT again to write the data. The cursordisappears and returns to the condition that the set value isdisplayed.C2: RANGE 1 Returns to the menu of setting item selection.Note: The items of unit are displayed cyclically as shown below:• A combination of m/min, m/h , m/d, ft/min, ft/h and ft/d cannot be selected.m3 l galml /s /min/h/dVolumetric unit Time unitbblmftptqt