BASE STATION CONFIGURATION Extensions ScreenIP4100 Install Sept., 2013 3-3Extensions ScreenTable 3-1 Home/Status OptionsButton or Option FunctionReboot Reboot the connected base station. If there are anyactive calls on the base station, it will not reboot.Forced Reboot Disconnect any active calls and reboot the connectedbase station.Table 3-2 Home/status ParametersItem DefinitionSystem Information The current multi-cell state of this base station (Multi Cell Disabled orReady; Primary or Secondary).Phone Type Always IPDECT, a combination of VoIP and wireless DECT technology.System Type The signalling protocol used to communicate with the IPedge or StrataCIX system.RF Band The DECT radio band currently in use by this base station.Current Local Time The current time and date received from the time server.Operation Time The amount of time since this base station was last rebooted.RFPI-Address The address assigned to the DECT radio of this base station.MAC-Address The address assigned to the Ethernet connector of this base station.IP-Address The current IP address assigned to this base station.Firmware Version The version of the current firmware on this base station.Firmware URL The address of the server this base station uses for firmware updates.SIP Identity Statuson this Base stationThe status of all handsets registered to this base station, in the format{Extension}@{IP address of the IPedge or Strata CIX system}.