MAINTENANCE Page 21MOUNTING1) Remove the conductive nut from the vacuum interrupterbeing replaced and attach it to the new vacuum interrupter asshown in Fig. 10.2) Put the conductive collar on the upper part of thevacuum interrupter (stationary terminal) and assemble thevacuum interrupter.i3) Hold the vacuum interrupter and fasten bolt "B" (torqueto 120kg-cm or 102in-!b).4) Push down the insulating flange and align the insulatingflange stud with the movable shaft of the vacuum interrupter.Then, while turning the flange counter-clockwise, insert it.(Install the insulating flange with only 3 to 4 turns, then stop).TACONDUCTIVE NUT 0.5-1.DmmFig. 10ADJUSTING THE MAIN CONTACT GAP OF THE VACUUM INTERRUPTER1) With the control circuit energized, close thevacuum contactor. Check that the armature is attractedto the coil cores.iVACUUMINTERRUPTER 2) As shown in Fig. 11, turn the insulating flange untilthe gap is 41.5mm.WEARGAUGE(SUPPLIED)3) With the adjustment made, hold the insulatingflange still with the hand and secure nut "A*.Note: ^Arrange so that the movable conductor isstraight and flat.CONDUCTIVE\l NUT•: •41.5mm -Check that the conductive nut does not rotate.T •A * 4) Turn off the control circuit power supply.(MB NUT)5) Operate manually to confirm that the vacuuminterrupters close simultaneously.\INSULATINGFLANGEFig. 11 Adjusting the Main Contact Gap.OPERATION CHECKIn a no-ioad condition, electrically operate the contactor through 20 operations to confirm normaloperation.