6F2S1914 (0.49)GRL200 (Soft 033 & 037)- 664 -Table 4.1-30 Mapping signals for SPCSO objectObject_reference Attribute Type FC Signal Number Signal NameCtrl/GGIO1501$SPCSO$origin orCat orCategory ST 510001 3001011008 SPOS01_ORCATCtrl/GGIO1501$SPCSO$origin orIdent Octet64 ST 510001 6A01011009 SPOS01_ORIDENTCtrl/GGIO1501$SPCSO stVal BOOLEAN ST 510001 0001011001 SPOS01_STATECtrl/GGIO1501$SPCSO q Quality ST 510001 3101011005 SPOS01_QUALITYCtrl/GGIO1501$SPCSO t Timestamp ST 510001 9001011006 SPOS01_TIMESTAMPCtrl/GGIO1501$SPCSO stSeld BOOLEAN ST 510001 0001011D90 SPOS01_STD_RPTNote: “Status (ST)” is defined in the function constraint (FC) of the IEC 61850 standard.Drag and dropFigure 4.1-43 ocCat attribute mapped for SPCSO object of GGIO1501(iii) Mapping input dataThe SPOS01 function can receive three commands “select, operate, and cancel”. Thus, the usershould map the input-point “DEV01_CONTROL_REQ” to the IEC 61850 communication. Table4.1-31 shows the input-point “DEV01_CONTROL_REQ” and the Object reference“Ctrl/GGIO1501$SPCSO”; the user should map the input point to the Object reference havingattributes CO and CF†. Figure 4.1-44 shows how to map a signal.