6F2S1914 (0.49)GRL200 (Soft 033 & 037)- 1003 -4.11.6 Mapping for IEC61850 communicationThe user can operate the ASEQ function using IEC 61850 communications after firstcompleting the appropriate mapping using the GR-TIEMS software. Note that the ASEQ01function is designed for the “Single Point Controller (SPC) class” described in the IEC 61850communications standard. The user should follow steps:Step1: Editing Logical NodeStep2: Mapping output dataStep3: Mapping input data(i) Editing Logical NodeThe user should implement a logical node (LN) for the ASEQ01 function. Figure 4.11-5exemplifies LN editing; the LN “(GAPC1)” is chosen for the ASEQ01 function. After the userhas defined an object “SPCSO1”, the ASEQ01 logical node is saved with the name “SPCSO1”plus “LN Instance”. A definition for the object “SPCSO1” is made in the ASEQ01 logical node.Choose either the SBO mode or the DIR mode when editing the LN.SBO defined in LNFigure 4.11-5 Defining “SPCSO1” object in GAPC1 logic nodeDefining SBO modeFigure 4.11-6 exemplifies the settings in LN “GAPC1” when the SBO mode is required for theASEQ01 function. In SBO control, the user should select the following items for the objectreference “GAPC1$SPCSO1” using the GR-TIEMS software;