6F2S1915 (0.46)GRZ200 (Soft 031 & 032)- 1136 -Supervision task for interruption capability on CBFor the supervision of the circuit breaker, the sigma_Iy function is provided so that the brokencurrent quantities at respective tripping are accumulated. Thereby, the user can monitor theinterrupting capability using the sigma_Iy function. When trip commands are issued, thesigma_Iy function monitors the maximum current (I at CT primary) in every occurrence of thefault, the sigma_Iy function accumulates each maximum fault current powered by a parameter‘y’. Thus, the user can find a synthesized broken current value using the sigma_Iy function.Displaying error message founded by the sigma_Iy function is shown in Table 10.4-1.Table 10.4-1 Supervision items and error levels for Sigma_IyDetailed ErrorSec.No. Supervision items(Screen message) Info. Lvl LED10.4.1 Sigma Iy error (CHK_SGMIY error) N/A 3 On─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────Note: The implementation of particular features is dependent upon the selection ofhardware and the configuration of functions. Several IED models do not support certainfeatures. To determine whether a particular feature has been implemented within an IED,identify the IED ordering number; and check the order number for the “G&T position” whilstreferring to the comparison table below. For more information, seeAppendix: Ordering.Table 10.4-2 Comparative table in respective ordering numbersSec. Feature Ordering No. at “G&T”31 32– Main features ✓ ✓✓: Applicable NA: Not applicable