©note) Information in this document is subject to change without notice.Rev. 20211217TOSHIBA Industrial Magnetron E3327NEGATIVE FACTORS AFFECTING THE LIFE OF MAGNETRONLife of the magnetron is strongly affected by the operating conditions.E3327 should be operated under the typical operating conditions. We also recommend strongly thatE3327 is operated substantially continuously. Tube users should give next operating conditions thataffect the life negatively their careful considerations.(1) Frequent ON/OFF operationa. We recommend the start sequence described in Fig. 1 when the accumulated ON/OFF times overthe total life span of the tube reach 10,000. In this case, average ON/OFF times per hour is over 2.If other mode start sequence is used, the life cannot be guaranteed.b. If the accumulated ON/OFF times over the total life span of the tube reach 30,000,the life cannot be guaranteed generally. In this case, average ON/OFF times per hour is over 5.(2) Low power operationa. Life of low power operation with the average anode current lower than 150 mA cannot beguaranteed. Generally, low power operation is not advisable even though the average anodecurrent is over 150 mA. It is desirable that staying in low power operation is less 3 min.When the average anode current is reduced to reduce the output power by changing the tubeelectromagnet current, the power supply voltage increases generally because of its internalimpedance. In this case, it is required that the anode voltage including its fluctuation in low poweroperation does not exceed its maximum rating.b. If the accumulated wide range power change times over the total life span of the tube reach30,000, the life cannot be guaranteed generally.(3) Without isolator (circulator) operationLife can be guaranteed only on the load impedance of VSWR 2.5 in SINK PHASE.