E6581737- 41 -3.8.2. AC/DC Drive Object Instance AttributesAttributeID Name DataTypeAccessRules Description DefaultValue1 Number of Attributes USINT Get Number of Attributes supported 192 Attribute List USINT(ARRAY) Get List of Attributes supported -3 At Reference BOOL Get 1 = Drive actual at reference (speed ortorque reference) based on mode -4 Net Reference BOOL Get/SetRequests torque or speed reference tobe local or from network.0 = Set Reference not DN Control1 = Set Reference at DN ControlNote that the actual status of torque orspeed reference is reflected in atrribute29, RefFromNet.-6 Drive Mode USINT Get0 = Vendor specific mode1 = Open loop speed (Frequency)2 = Closed loop speed control3 = Torque control4 = Process control (e.g. PI)5 = Position control-7 Speed Actual INT GetActual drive speed(best approximation)Units: min-1-8 Speed Reference INT Get/Set Speed referenceUnits: min-1 -9 Current Actual INT Get Actual motor phase currentUnits: 100mA -10 Current Limit INT Get/Set Motor phase current limitUnits: 100mA -11 Torque Actual INT Get Actual torqueUnits: Nm -15 Power Actual INT Get Actual output powerUnits: W/2PowerScale -18 Accel Time UINT Get/SetAcceleration timeTime from 0 to High Speed LimitUnits: ms/2TimeScale -19 Decel Time UINT Get/SetAcceleration timeTime from 0 to High Speed LimitUnits: ms/2TimeScale -20 Low Speed Limit UINT Get/Set Minimum speed limitUnits: min-1 -21 High Speed Limit UINT Get/Set Maximum speed limitUnits: min-1 -26 Power Scale SINT Get Power scaling factor. 028 Time Scale SINT Get/Set Time scaling factor. 029 Ref From Net BOOL GetStatus of torque/speed reference0 = Local torque/speed reference1 = DeviceNet torque/speed reference-46 Drive on Hours DINT Get Number of hoursUnits: h -3.8.3. AC/DC Drive Object Common ServicesSupportedServiceCode Service Name Class Instance Description of Service0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Yes Yes Returns the contents of the specified attribute.0x10 Set_Attribute_Single N/A Yes Modifies the value of the specified attribute.3.8.4. AC/DC Drive Object Specific ServicesAC/DC Drive Object provides no object specific services for the slave.