31Drum Unit ReplacementReplacement Drum Kits for yourTOSHIBA facsimile include aDrum Unit.Your TOSHIBA facsimile hasbeen designed to display a two-stage alert to replace the DrumUnit once it has been depleted.The first stage is a “DRUM UNITWARNING” that alerts you thatthe Drum Unit is near its end oflife and should be replaced atyour earliest convince. The unitwill continue to receive and printfacsimile messages during thisstage.The second stage is the “RE-PLACE DRUM UNIT” notice.When this message is dis-played, the machine can nolonger print documents. Recep-tions will be stored in memoryuntil the Drum Unit has beenreplaced.For the purpose of determiningDrum usage;Each legal-size sheet of papercounts as 1.3 letter-size sheetsof paper.Remove the Toner Cartridge and Drum Unit.CAUTION:Always hold the Drum Unit and Toner Cartridge by their greenhandles. Do not expose the green drum to light for more than 3minutes. Never expose it to direct sunlight or touch the greendrum. Damage or poor print quality may result.NOTE:Avoid touching the toner to your clothing since toner cannot beremoved easily.If the toner sticks to your clothing, immediately rinse out thetoner with cold water.STORAGE NOTES:The Drum Unit is a very im-portant part of this facsimile.Handle it with care as shownbelow.Keep the Drum Unit within atemperature range of 0-35°C(32-95°F) and a humidityrange of 20-80%RH (withoutcondensation).Do not store or use the DrumUnit in an environment wherethe temperature changes ex-cessively.Do not touch the light sensi-tive drum because its surfacewill be easily damaged.Do not place the light sensi-tive drum in a location whereit is exposed to direct sunlightor high intensity light (morethan 200 lx) such as near awindow.Push the Top Cover Open But-ton and open the Top Cover.Open the Top Cover137 38 44Remove the Toner Cartridge and Drum Unit2