40 DeviceNet Module Installation and Operation ManualTable 56. Motor Data Object Common Services.Motor Data Object Specific ServicesThe Motor Data Object provides no object specific services.Control Supervisor ObjectClass code 0x29 — This object models all the management functions for devices within the DeviceNetHierarchy of Motor Control Devices. The behavior of motor control devices is described by the ControlSupervisor State Transition Diagram on pg. 42.Table 57. Control Supervisor Object Class Attributes.Table 58. Control Supervisor Object Instance Attributes.ServiceCode Service Name SupportedClassSupportedInstance Description of Service0x0E Get_attribute_single N/A Yes Returns the contents of the specified attribute0x10 Set_attribute_single N/A Yes Modifies the value of the specified attributeAttributeID Name Data Type AccessRules Description DefaultValue1 Revision UINT Get Revision of this object 12 Max Instance UINT GetMaximum instance number of an objectcurrently created in this class level of thedevice16 Max ID of ClassAttributes UNIT GetThe attribute ID number of the last classattribute of the class definition imple-mented in the device77 Max ID of InstanceAttributes UNIT GetThe attribute ID number of the last instanceattribute of the class definition imple-mented in the device15AttributeID Name DataTypeAccessRules Description DefaultValue1 Number of Attributes USINT Get Number of Attributes supported 112 Attribute List USINT(ARRAY) Get List of attributes supported -3 Run 1 BOOL Get/SetSee Run/Stop Event Matrix00 = Stop01 = Run-4 Run 2 BOOL Get/SetSee Run/Stop Event Matrix00 = Stop01 = Run-