Settingupyour"IV 81Selecting the P1N codeUsingtheDolby_ DigitalDynamicRangeControlfeatureYou can further compress Dolby ®Digital dynamic range, allowingyou to switch from digital to analog broadcasts at the same dynamicrange.To use the Dolby ®Digital Dynamic Range Control:1 Press the MENU button and open the Sound menu.2 Highlight Dynamic Range Control, and then press the ENTERbutton.3 Press the • / • (arrow) buttons to select On, and then press theENTER button.NOTE •,:o Thisfeatureis availablewhentheTVistunedto a digitalRFchannelor anHDMITM inputwiththeDolby_ Digitalsignal.÷:- TheDolby_ DigitalDynamicRangeControlwillfunctioninrelationto OpticalOutputFormat(PCMmode).SelectingthePINcodeA PIN code is necessary for some menus.NOTE -:- TheParentalControlandLocksmenuis grayedoutif no PINhasbeenset.EnteranewPINcode1 Press the MENU button and open the Options menu.2 Highlight Parental PIN Setup, and then press the ENTER button.3 Use the number buttons to enter a 4-digit number. Confirm the code.ForgottenPINcodeWhile the PIN code entering screen is displayed, press the 1NFObutton four times within five seconds. The PIN code will be clearedand you can enter a new PIN code.ChangingordeletingyourPINcode1 Press the MENU button and open the Options menu.2 Highlight Parental PIN Setup, and then press the ENTER button.3 Use the number button to enter a 4-digit number.