34AppendixToshiba of Canada Limited (“TCL”) makes the following limitedwarranties to original consumers in Canada.THESE LIMITED WARRANTIES EXTEND TO THE ORIGINALCONSUMER PURCHASER OR ANY PERSON RECEIVING THISTELEVISION AS A GIFT FROM THE ORIGINAL CONSUMERPURCHASER AND TO NO OTHER PURCHASER ORTRANSFEREE.PRODUCTS PURCHASED IN THE U.S.A. AND USED INCANADA ARE NOT COVERED BY THESE WARRANTIES.PRODUCTS PURCHASED IN CANADA AND USED IN THEU.S.A. ARE NOT COVERED BY THESE WARRANTIES.Limited One (1) Year Warranty on Parts and Labor*TCL warrants this television and its parts against defects in materialsor workmanship for a period of one (1) year after the date of originalretail purchase. DURING THIS PERIOD, TCL WILL, AT TCL’SOPTION, REPAIR OR REPLACE A DEFECTIVE PART WITH ANEW OR REFURBISHED PART WITHOUT CHARGE TO YOUFOR PARTS OR LABOR. TCL Authorized Service Depot personnelwill come to your home when warranty service is required.Depending on the type of repair required, either the service willbe performed in your home or the set will be taken to the TCLAuthorized Service Depot for repair and returned to your home atno cost to you. IN-HOME SERVICE ONLY APPLIES WITHIN 100KILOMETERS OF AN AUTHORIZED TCL SERVICE DEPOT.Limited Two (2) Year Warranty on Picture Tube*TCL further warrants the picture tube in this television againstdefects in materials or workmanship for a period of two (2) yearsafter the date of original retail purchase. DURING THIS PERIOD,TCL WILL, AT TCL’S OPTION, REPAIR OR REPLACE ADEFECTIVE PICTURE TUBE WITH A NEW OR REFURBISHEDPICTURE TUBE WITHOUT CHARGE TO YOU, EXCEPT THAT,IF A DEFECTIVE PICTURE TUBE IS REPAIRED OR REPLACEDAFTER ONE (1) YEAR FROM THE DATE OF THE ORIGINALRETAIL PURCHASE, YOU PAY LABOR CHARGES INVOLVEDIN THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT.Rental UnitsThe warranty for rental units begins with the date of first rental orthirty (30) days from the date of shipment to the rental firm,whichever comes first.*Commercial UnitsTelevisions sold and used for commercial purposes have a limitedninety (90) day warranty for all parts, labor, and picture tubes.Owner’s ManualRead this owner’s manual thoroughly before operating this television.Your ResponsibilityTHE ABOVE WARRANTIES ARE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWINGCONDITIONS:(1) You must provide your bill of sale or other proof of purchase.(2) All warranty servicing of this television must be made by anAuthorized TCL Service Depot.(3) The warranties from TCL are effective only if the television ispurchased in Canada from an authorized TCL dealer andoperated in Canada.(4) Labor service charges for set installation, setup, adjustment ofcustomer controls, and installation or repair of antenna systemsare not covered by these warranties. Reception problemscaused by inadequate antenna systems are your responsibility.(5) Warranties extend only to defects in materials or workmanshipas limited above and do not extend to any television or parts thathave been lost or discarded by you or to damage to television orparts caused by misuse, accident, Acts of God (such as lightningor fluctuations in electric power), improper installation, impropermaintenance, or use in violation of instructions furnished by TCL;or to units that have been modified or had the serial numberremoved, altered, defaced, or rendered illegible.How to Obtain Warranty ServicesIf, after following all of the operating instructions in this manual andchecking the “Troubleshooting” section, you find that service isneeded:(1) To find the nearest TCL Authorized Service Depot, visit TCL’sweb site: www.toshiba.ca.(2) Present your bill of sale or other proof of purchase to theAuthorized Service Depot. Authorized TCL Service Depotpersonnel will come to your home when warranty service isrequired. Depending on the type of repair required, either theservice will be performed in your home or the set will be takento the Authorized Service Depot for repair and returned to yourhome at no cost to you. IN-HOME SERVICE ONLY APPLIESWITHIN 100 KILOMETERS OF AN AUTHORIZED TCLSERVICE DEPOT.For additional information, visit TCL’s web site:www.toshiba.caALL WARRANTIES IMPLIED BY THE LAW OF ANY PROVINCEOF CANADA, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE, ARE EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO THE DURATION OFTHE LIMITED WARRANTIES SET FORTH ABOVE. WITH THEEXCEPTION OF ANY WARRANTIES IMPLIED BY THE LAWOF ANY PROVINCE OF CANADA AS HEREBY LIMITED, THEFOREGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALLOTHER WARRANTIES, GUARANTEES, AGREEMENTS, ANDSIMILAR OBLIGATIONS OF TCL WITH RESPECT TO THEREPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF ANY PARTS. IN NO EVENTSHALL TCL BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL ORINCIDENTAL DAMAGES.No person, agent, distributor, dealer, or company is authorizedto change, modify, or extend the terms of these warranties inany manner whatsoever. The time within which action must becommenced to enforce any obligation of TCL arising under thiswarranty or under any law of Canada or of any province thereof,is hereby limited to 90 days from the date you discover, or shouldhave discovered, the defect. This limitation does not apply to impliedwarranties arising under the law of any province of Canada.THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS,AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, WHICH MAYVARY FROM PROVINCE TO PROVINCE IN CANADA. SOMEPROVINCES OF CANADA DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ONTHE DURATION OF AN IMPLIED WARRANTY, LIMITATIONSON THE TIME WITHIN WHICH AN ACTION MAY BE BROUGHT,OR THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES; THEREFORE, THE ABOVELIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOUUNDER SUCH CIRCUMSTANCES.FST PURE® is a registered trademark of Toshiba America Consumer Products, Inc.REV. MAR02Limited Canada Warrantyfor 27'' FST PURE® and All Larger Television Models