Dec. 1996 © TOSHIBA CORP. 3 - 1 2060, 2860/70 SUPPLIES3. PRECAUTIONS FOR STORING AND HANDLING SUPPLIES3.1 Precautions for Storing TOSHIBA SuppliesA. Toner and DeveloperToner and developer should be stored in a place where the ambient temperature is below 35˚C(95˚F) and should also be protected against direct sunlight during transportation.B. OPC DrumSimilarly to the toner and developer, selenium drums should be stored in a dark place where theambient temperature is below 35˚C. Be sure to avoid those places where drums may be subjectedto high humidity, chemicals and/or their fumes.C. Cleaning Blade and Heat-Roller BladeThese items should be stored in a flat place where the ambient temperature is below 35˚C andshould also be protected against high humidity, chemicals and/or their fumes.D. Heat Roller and Pressure RollerAvoid those places where heat rollers may be subjected to high humidity, chemicals and/or theirfumes.E. Copy PaperAvoid storing copy paper in a place where the humidity is high.After a package is opened, be sure to place and store it in a storage bag. During wet or winterseasons where the temperature varies much from high to low due to room heating, etc. or where thehumidity is high, pull out the cassette from the machine, and put it together with the paper inside ina storage bag upon the completion of copying for the day. Also instruct the users to do the same.3.2 Inspection and Cleaning OPC DrumA. Precautions for Handling(1) Use of glovesIf fingerprints or oils adhere to the drum surface, characteristics of the photoconductor maydegrade, affecting the quality of the copy image; therefore, do not touch the drum surface withyour bare hands.(2) Removing and reinstalling drumsSince the OPC drum surface is very sensitive, be sure to handle the drum carefully when install-ing and removing it so as not damage its surface.Be sure to apply “patting powder” (lubricant) to the entire surface of the drum and separationclaw before installing the drum into the machine.Notes: 1. Application of the patting powder is to reduce the friction between the drum, cleaning blade,and separation claw. If the application of patting powder is neglected, the drum and cleaningblade may be damaged.2. When paper fibers adhere to the cleaning blade edge, they may reduce the cleaning efficiencyand, in addition, may damage the blade and the drum. So, if any fibers are found adhering tothe blade, be sure to remove them carefully using a soft pad.