187GlossaryDMA direct memory accessDIMM dual inline memory moduleDOS disk operating systemDPI dots per inchDSTN dual supertwist nematicDVD digital versatile (or video) discDVD-ROM digital versatile (or video) disc read-only memoryECP enhanced capabilities portEPROM erasable programmable read-only memoryFAT file allocation tableFCC Federal Communications CommissionFIR fast infraredGB gigabyteHDD hard disk driveHTML Hypertext Markup LanguageIEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersI/O input/outputIRQ interrupt requestISP Internet service providerKB kilobyteLAN local area networkLCD liquid crystal displayLPT1 line printer port 1 (parallel port)LSI large-scale integrationMB megabyteMIDI Musical Instrument Digital InterfacePC personal computerPCI Peripheral Component InterconnectPCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card InternationalAssociation