190 If Something Goes WrongResolving a hardware conflictA message tells you that there is a problem with yourdisplay settings and that the adapter type is incorrect orthe current settings do not work with your hardware.Reduce the size of the color palette to one that is supported bythe computer’s internal display.To change the display properties:1 Point at the desktop and click with the secondary button.The Display Properties window appears.2 Click Properties, then click the Settings tab.3 Adjust the screen resolution and/or color quality.4 Click OK.The display mode is set to Simultaneous and the externaldisplay device does not work.Make sure the external monitor is capable of displaying atresolutions of 800 x 600 or higher. Devices that do notsupport this resolution will only work in Internal/Externalmode.Disk drive problemsProblems with the hard disk or with a diskette drive usuallyshow up as an inability to access the disk or as sector errors.Sometimes a disk problem may cause one or more files toappear to have garbage in them. Typical disk problems are:You are having trouble accessing a disk, or one or morefiles appear to be missing.Make sure you are identifying the drive by its correct name(A: or C:).Error-checkingRun Error-checking, which analyzes the directories, files andNT file system (NTFS) on the disk and repairs any damage itfinds: