Problem Possible Cause Corrective Action1. There is tram lining of the cuttingedges due to heavy contact caused bypoor cutting-cylinder-to-bottom-bladeadjustment.1. Back lap or grind the edges.2. The bottom blade is in contact with theground.2. Raise the height of cut.3. The bottom blade has a nose-downattitude.3. Adjust the cutting unit to position thebottom blade parallel to the ground.4. The cutting units are bouncing. 4. Reduce the forward speed and reducethe weight transfer.5. There are worn cylinderbearings/bearing housing pivots.5. Replace any worn parts.There are lines of uncut or badly cut grassin the direction of travel.6. There are loose components in thecutting unit.6. Check and tighten components asnecessary.1. The switch is damaged. 1. Check the switch and replace ifnecessary.2. The solenoid valve is damaged. 2. Service or replace the solenoid valve.The differential lock is not operational.3. The wiring is damaged/worn. 3. Check the wiring/connections asnecessary.1. The undulations are too severe for theheight of cut setting.1. Use floating cutting units.There is scalping of the turf.2. The height of cut is too low. 2. Raise the height of cut.1. The bottom blade is in heavy contactwith the ground.1. Raise the height of cut.2. The cutting edges of the cuttingcylinder and/or bottom blade arerounded.2. Back lap or grind the edges.3. The cylinder is in heavy contact withthe bottom blade.3. Adjust thecutting-cylinder-to-bottom-bladecontact.4. There is a damaged cutting cylinder orbottom blade.4. Grind or replace parts as necessary.There is excessive bottom blade wear.5. There are excessively abrasive groundconditions.5. Raise the height of cut.1. The transmission neutral interlockswitch is not energized.1. Remove your foot from theforward/reverse pedals or checkthe setting of the transmission neutralinterlock switch.2. The parking brake interlock switch isnot energized.2. Move the parking brake switch to theOn position.3. The cutting unit drive interlock switchis not energized.3. Move the cutter switch to the Offposition.The engine does not start with the ignitionkey.4. There is a malfunctioning electricalconnection.4. Locate and correct the fault in theelectrical system.1. A terminal connection is loose orcorroded.1. Clean and tighten the terminalconnections. Charge the battery.2. The alternator belt is loose or worn. 2. Adjust the tension or replace the belt;refer to engine operator’s manual.3. The battery is discharged. 3. Charge or replace the battery.The battery has no power.4. There is an electrical short circuit. 4. Locate the short circuit and fix it.47