AdjustmentsCutting Unit CharacteristicsCAUTIONDo not install or work on the cutting units or lift arms with the enginerunning. Always shut off the engine and remove the key from thekey switch.The dual knob bedknife-to-reel adjustment system incorporated in this cuttingunit simplifies the adjustment procedure needed to deliver optimum mowingperformance. The precise adjustment possible with this design gives thenecessary control to provide a continual self-sharpening action. This featuremaintains sharp cutting edges, assures good quality of cut and greatly reducesthe need for routine backlapping.In addition, the rear roller positioning system allows for various height-of-cutranges and aggressiveness of cut selections.If a cutting unit is determined to be out of adjustment, complete the followingprocedures in the specified order to adjust the cutting unit properly.1. Adjust the bedknife to reel contact; refer to the Cutting Unit Operator’sManual.2. Determine desired height-of-cut range and install rear roller mounting shim(s)accordingly.; refer to the Cutting Unit Operator’s Manual.3. Adjust the height-of-cut; refer to the Cutting Unit Operator’s Manual.Reelmaster® 3100-D/3105-D Page 8–3 DPA Cutting Units: Adjustments20252SL Rev A