• A cab installed by Toro is a roll bar.• Always wear your seat belt.Machines with a Foldable Roll Bar• Always use the seat belt with the roll bar in theraised position.• The ROPS is an integral safety device. Keep afolding roll bar in the raised and locked position,and use the seat belt when operating the machinewith the roll bar in the raised position.• Lower a folding roll bar temporarily only whennecessary. Do not wear the seat belt when theroll bar is folded down.• Be aware that there is no rollover protection whena folded roll bar is in the down position.• Check the area that you will be mowing and neverfold down a folding roll bar in areas where thereare slopes, drop-offs, or water.Slope Safety• Slopes are a major factor related to loss of controland rollover accidents, which can result in severeinjury or death. You are responsible for safe slopeoperation. Operating the machine on any sloperequires extra caution.• Evaluate the site conditions to determine if theslope is safe for machine operation, includingsurveying the site. Always use common senseand good judgment when performing this survey.• Review the slope instructions listed below foroperating the machine on slopes and to determinewhether you can operate the machine in theconditions on that day and at that site. Changesin the terrain can result in a change in slopeoperation for the machine.• Avoid starting, stopping, or turning the machine onslopes. Avoid making sudden changes in speed ordirection. Make turns slowly and gradually.• Do not operate a machine under any conditionswhere traction, steering, or stability is in question.• Remove or mark obstructions such as ditches,holes, ruts, bumps, rocks, or other hidden hazards.Tall grass can hide obstructions. Uneven terraincould overturn the machine.• Be aware that operating the machine on wetgrass, across slopes, or downhill may cause themachine to lose traction. Loss of traction to thedrive wheels may result in sliding and a loss ofbraking and steering.• Use extreme caution when operating the machinenear drop-offs, ditches, embankments, waterhazards, or other hazards. The machine couldsuddenly roll over if a wheel goes over the edgeor the edge caves in. Establish a safety areabetween the machine and any hazard.• Identify hazards at the base of the slope.If there are hazards, mow the slope with apedestrian-controlled machine.• If possible, keep the cutting unit(s) lowered to theground while operating on slopes. Raising thecutting unit(s) while operating on slopes can causethe machine to become unstable.• Use extreme caution with grass-collection systemsor other attachments. These can change thestability of the machine and cause a loss of control.Always keep the machine in gear when goingdown slopes. Do not coast downhill (applicableonly to gear-drive units).Using the Rollover-ProtectionSystem (ROPS)WARNINGA rollover accident can cause injury or death.• Keep the roll bar in the raised lockedposition.• Use the seat belt.• Ensure that the seat plate is secured withthe seat latch.WARNINGYou have no rollover protection when the rollbar is in the down position.• Lower the roll bar only when necessary.• Do not wear the seat belt when the roll baris in the down position.• Drive slowly and carefully.• Raise the roll bar as soon as clearancepermits.• Check carefully for overhead clearances(i.e., branches, doorways, electrical wires)before driving under any objects and donot contact them.Raising the Roll BarImportant: Always use the seat belt when the rollbar is in the raised and locked position.1. Ensure that the seat is secured with the seatlatch.2. Remove the 2 hairpins and remove the 2 pins(Figure 18).24