35PROBLEM CORRECTIVE ACTIONPOSSIBLE CAUSESEngine overheats. 1. Engine load is excessive. 1. Reduce ground speed.g2. Oil level in crankcase is low. 2. Add oil to crankcase.3. Cooling fins and air passagesunder engine blower housingare plugged.3. Remove obstruction fromcooling fins and air passages.Abnormal vibration. 1. Engine mounting bolts areloose.1. Tighten engine mountingbolts.2. Loose engine pulley, idlerpulley, or blade pulley.2. Tighten the appropriatepulley.3. Engine pulley is damaged. 3. Contact Authorized ServiceDealer.Machine does not drive. 1. Hydrostatic fluid level low. 1. Fill hydrostatic fluid tank.2. Traction belt is worn, loose orbroken.2. Change Belt.3. Traction belt is off pulley. 3. Change Belt.Machine does not drive up hills orinclines.1. By-pass valve is adjusted toofar open.1. Adjust by-pass valveMachine moves slowly in neutral. 1. Neutral is mis-adjusted.2. Return spring is broken ormissing.3. Linkage is dirty or bent.1. Adjust hydro pump neutral.2. Replace return spring.3. Clean and lubricate linkage.Replace bent or worn parts.Machine drive is too aggressive.Mower lifts when drive is engaged.1. By-pass valve is adjusted toofar closed.1. Adjust by-pass valve