32• If you have a Dingo 323, turn the valve the hosenear the bottom of each fuel tank as illustrated inFigure 33.m–560912Figure 331. Fuel valve, open 2. Fuel valve closed4. Loosen the hose clamp at the fuel filter and slide it upthe fuel line away from the filter.5. Pull the fuel line off of the fuel filter, open the fuelvalves, and allow the gasoline to drain into a gas canor drain pan.Note: Now is the best time to install a new fuel filterbecause the fuel tanks are empty.6. Install the fuel line onto the fuel filter.7. Slide the hose clamp close to the fuel filter to securethe fuel line.8. Open the fuel valve in the hose near the bottom ofeach fuel tank as illustrated in Figure 33.Cleaning and Storage1. Lower the loader arms and stop the engine. Removethe key.2. Remove dirt and grime from the external parts of theentire traction unit, especially the engine. Clean dirtand chaff from the outside of the engine’s cylinderhead fins and blower housing.Important You can wash the traction unit with milddetergent and water. Do not pressure wash the tractionunit. Avoid excessive use of water, especially near thecontrol panel, engine, hydraulic pumps, and motors.3. Service the air cleaner; refer to Servicing the AirCleaner, page 25.4. Grease the traction unit; refer to Greasing the TractionUnit, page 25.5. Change the crankcase oil; refer to Servicing theEngine Oil, page 26.6. Remove the spark plugs and check the condition ofeach; refer to Servicing the Spark Plugs, page 29.7. With the spark plugs removed from the engine, pourtwo tablespoons of engine oil into each spark plughole.8. Place rags over the spark plug holes to catch any oilspray, then use the starter to crank the engine anddistribute the oil inside the cylinder.9. Install the spark plugs, but do not install the wires onthe spark plugs.10. Check the tire pressure; refer to Tire Pressure, page 16.11. Charge the battery; refer to Servicing the Battery,page 27.12. For storage over 30 days, prepare the traction unit asfollows.A. Add a petroleum based stabilizer/conditioner tofuel in the tank. Follow mixing instructions fromstabilizer manufacturer (1 oz. per gal.). Do not usean alcohol based stabilizer (ethanol ormethanol).Note: A fuel stabilizer/conditioner is most effective whenmixed with fresh gasoline and used at all times.B. Run the engine to distribute conditioned fuelthrough the fuel system (5 minutes).C. Stop the engine, allow it to cool, and drain the fueltanks; refer to Draining Fuel Tanks, page 31.D. Start the engine and run it until it stops.E. Choke the engine.F. Start and run the engine until it will not start again.G. Dispose of fuel properly. Recycle as per localcodes.Important Do not store stabilizer/conditioned gasolineover 90 days.13. Check and tighten all bolts, nuts, and screws. Repair orreplace any part that is damaged or defective.14. Paint all scratched or bare metal surfaces. Paint isavailable from your Authorized Service Dealer.15. Store the traction unit in a clean, dry garage or storagearea. Remove the key from the ignition switch andkeep it in a memorable place.16. Cover the traction unit to protect it and keep it clean.